Peserta didik yang memiliki bakat dalam bidang akademik tertentu bisa mengikuti klub belajar. Dalam klub belajar akan mendapatkan fasilitas yang lebih dari teman-temannya yang tidak mengikuti klub. Fasilitas tersebut berupa pembinaan oleh alumni, guru, dan pembina khusus klub dari guru bidang studi dan dosen. SMAN 4 Denpasar memiliki 11 klub belajar diantaranya Klub Biologi, Fisika, Matematika, Kimia, Astronomi, Komputer, Ekonomi, Geografi dan Kebumian, Bahasa Inggris,  Bahasa Jerman, dan Klub Bahasa Jepang.



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The History of  SMAN 4 Denpasar

    SMA Negeri 4 Denpasar is located in West Denpasar region, precisely on Jalan Gunung Rinjani Perumnas Monang-Maning Denpasar. SMA Negeri 4 Denpasar was established at 19 July 1982, but at that moment, the building of SMA Negeri 4 Denpasar had not been built yet. Therefore, the school activity temporarily had done in SD Negeri Tulang Ampiang. At the first time it was built, the student came from the entire SMA student in Badung Regency (at that time Denpasar, as the capital had not been existed yet) At 4 January 1983, finally, the building of SMAN 4 Denpasar had finished, therefore the place of study was removed from SD Negeri Tulang Ampiang to Perumnas Monang-Maning Denpasar with all the students in amount 4 classes.

     Drs. I Wayan Jigera as the Principal at that moment put up a good struggle and hard work with all teachers and officers to do the environmental repairment like making garden, footpath, etc. He became the Principal of SMAN 4 Denpasar until 1990. The result of the hard work which had been done, make SMAN 4 Denpasar became famous in Bali even to outside area. It was also supported by the consistent grade Ebtanas (National Examination) every year until many of the students are accepted in SIPENMARU (a test to enter the chosen Public University) It is also reflected with the increasing of the student acceptance in favorite university, even in ASEAN level (Singapore). It had happened since EBTANAS in 1985, the student of SMAN 4 Denpasar able to defend the achievement of the mark. Where this school always becomes prominent school of Bali province. The student acceptance 100% with TPA (the entering test). The acceptance of new student is only six classes,each class contains 35-40 students.


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