Peserta didik yang memiliki bakat dalam bidang akademik tertentu bisa mengikuti klub belajar. Dalam klub belajar akan mendapatkan fasilitas yang lebih dari teman-temannya yang tidak mengikuti klub. Fasilitas tersebut berupa pembinaan oleh alumni, guru, dan pembina khusus klub dari guru bidang studi dan dosen. SMAN 4 Denpasar memiliki 11 klub belajar diantaranya Klub Biologi, Fisika, Matematika, Kimia, Astronomi, Komputer, Ekonomi, Geografi dan Kebumian, Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Jerman, dan Klub Bahasa Jepang.
Name: I Wayan Gede tanjung Krisnanda
Place of birth: Gianyar Date of birth: 6 January 1993
Address: Br. Pejengaji Tegallalang Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
individual Achievement:
• Silver Medal on Physics in OSN (Olimpiade Sains Nasional) 2009 When I was in 10th grade, I was a member of Foursma Physics Club; the leader was Fedri Krisna Kusuma at the moment. We have passed the OSK (Olimpiade Sains Kabupaten) among Denpasar, so we will face an Olympiad called OSP (Olipiade Sains Propinsi) among Bali in two weeks later. Fedri decided to invite an alumnus Ridwan Salim Sanad which already study at NTU (Nangiang Technological University) in Singapore to teach us. It was really amazing since Ridwan Salim Sanad has received a silver medal on physics in OSN 2006 and bronze medal on physics in APhO (Asian Physics Olympiad) 2007. He started to teach Foursma Physics Team, the training began at 07.00 in the morning till we were quitted by the school security because the school must be closed at 06.00 in the afternoon. Two of us passed the OSP; we were Andhita Dananjaya and me. Ridwan continued to teach us, he was really enthusiast because his friend at NTU has made his junior received a gold medal in OSN, so he wanted the same thing. Bali Physics Team ware Andhita Dananjaya, Arjana (from SMAN 1 Seririt), and me. Finally the OSN result was quite unbelievable, I got silver and Arjana got bronze, Ridwan and Paul (Alumnus from Indonesia Physics Team) called me and said, “congratulations, this is not your final goal, there are many goals will be coming soon, one of them is TOFI (Tim Olimpiade Fisika Indonesia)”. I was happy to hear that and I thought that I want to make it comes true. • Gold Medal on Physics in OSN (Olimpiade Sains Nasional) 2010 I came back from TOFI traning because I didn’t pass the first step exam, I thought that I’ll follow the training again next year without followed OSN again, but I was worried because the committee was different. So I followed the Olympiad from the bottom. Andhita and I followed the OSK and thought that we will be the first and second winner, but everything have changed, the competition was out of fair play, many bad things was did by other people to defeat us (foursma team). I got the third place and Andhita got nothing, what a worst thing! How come! I decided to do my best in the next competition, I must show “bad thing can defeat the uncoordinated truth for a while, but I know the truth will win at the end”. I continued my competition, I passed the OSP, and finally we will face OSN, we are Foursma Team which consists of Ryuu (chemistry), Ika (Economy), Andika (Mathematics), Ivan (Mathematics), and me (Physics). The OSN result was, I got gold and Ika got Silver. Foursma sent the least students at OSK but reached the best achievement at OSN among Bali. That was what I want. Bravo Foursma.
• Chosen as a member of TOFI (Tim Olimpiade Fisika Indonesia) 2010-2011 I wanted to become a member of TOFI, I was invited to a test in Jakarta by Surya Institute, I came with my junior Hendrawan Palgunadi, and there are many smart and diligent students among Indonesia. There are three tests which consist of 11 questions. The first test (3 questions) and second test (4 questions) ware held in the first day from morning to evening. The third test (4questions) was held in the second day from morning to afternoon. It was really amazing test since the makers were the TOFI alumni who have received PhD from the famous university in America. The result was I got the 5th rank; it was lucky day since only 5 students will follow the training in 6 months with Surya Institute. The other students were Evan Laksono, Erwin Handoko Tanin, Limiardi Eka Sanserio, and Hendra Wijaya. • Silver Medal on Physics in IZhO VII (International Zhautykov Olympiad) Kazakhstan 2011 In the training team, my coach came and told me to join the competition in Kazakhstan, it’s called IZhO (International Zhautikov Olympiad), but I must pay half of the cost. I said it to my principle in Foursma, then he said ok, I knew he will say so, I was very lucky having a principle like him; Mr. Rika is the best principle that I have ever met. I went to Kazakhstan with 3 mathematics students (Ivan Wangsa, Johan Pranata, and Jeremiah), 1 computer student (Felik Junvianto), and one leader (Raymond Christopher Citorus). This was my first International Olympiad; I met many students from different country, such as Russia, Armenia, Bulgaria, etc. The Olympiad was consisting of two kinds of test, theory and experiment test; it was a hard test since it’s in international level. The result of the 7th IZhO was I got Silver Medal and the others got bronze. Group Achievement:
• First Place in Medspin Fk UNAIR 2009, together with Wisnu Arya Wardana dan Ari Keresna Narayana
• Third Place in Mechom ITS 2009, together with Putu Andhita Dananjaya
• Third Place in Olfar Farmasi UNAIR 2009, together with Wisnu Arya Wardana dan Ari Keresna Narayana
• First Place in HMC Fk UNUD 2010, together with Wisnu Arya Wardana dan Ari Keresna Narayana